Happy to have some new poems out there in the cyber-lit space. Thank you to Adrianna Robertson, guest editor at Burning House Press, for running 2 poems. "After the War" looks at the shared experiences of Septimus Warren and Clarissa Dalloway in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. "Lazarus and the Real Boy" is a five-part poem that thinks about what happens when a known named person evolves into a different reality.
You can read them here, as well as lots of other great work.
Also, my divorce poem "How to Get Out of a 20-year Hole" was just launched by the fabulous folk at SWWIM Every Day. What tools and tokens and demi-gods do we need to move ourselves forward??
Here's the link! https://www.swwim.org/blog/2019/1/26/how-to-get-out-of-a-20-year-hole
Also!! Look for new work coming out this spring: poems in JuxtaProse and Glass: A Journal of Poetry and translations in InTranslation (Brooklyn Rail).