Essays/Interviews/Book Reviews/Creative Nonfiction
"Kiefer's World: Journey to Barjac," WHITEHOT Magazine, 9/12/24
"The Softer Side of John Chamberlain," WHITEHOT Magazine, 4/6/24
"Writing is Like Finding Which Window to Open," Exile Sans Frontiers, 6/21/22
"Poetry in America at the Forefront of Tech-driven Learning," Writer's Chronicle, November 2022
"The Reading," flash memoir, On the Seawall, 8/4/20
"All Vessels are Connected: A Review of Third-Millennium Heart by Ursula Andkjaer Olsen,"
Crab Creek Review, Spring 2019
Interview with Debut Novelist Jaclyn Gilbert (Late Air, 2019), The Rumpus, 11/15/18
"How I Slew the Viking: Thoughts on Translation," Harvard Review, 10/18/17
"Food for Change," Medium, 5/11/17
"Brother, Can You Spare a Billion?" Medium, 12/16/16
"Bob Holman is on a Mission," Columbia Journal, 3/29/16
"Ross Gay Asks: What Eyes Does Your Poem Have?" The Rumpus, 10/29/15
"The Web Poet's Society," The Atlantic, 1/7/15
"Taylor Mali: Meet the Maestro of Page Meets Stage," Lumina, 4/17/15
"Letters to a Young MFA," Lumina, 2/15/15
"Get Thee to KBG," Lumina, 11/6/14
Lana Turner Journal (forthcoming), Cortland Review (forthcoming), Plume, AGNI, Redivider, Ocean State Review, First Literary Review-East, First Literary Review-East, Night Heron Barks, Plume, Colorado Review, Ovenbird Poetry, JuxtaProse, Plume 6 & 7 [print journal], Glass: A Journal of Poetry, SWWIM Every Day, Burning House Press, Denver Quarterly, Plume, Zocalo Public Square, Hayden's Ferry Review, Ploughshares, Under the Volcano Anthology, Painted Bride Quarterly, Women's Voices for Change, Plume, Barrow Street, Narrative, Narrative, Bellingham Review, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, LIT, Grist Journal, Tupelo Quarterly, Women's Studies Quarterly, Women's Voices for Change, Crab Creek Review, Columbia Journal
POEMS: Plume (forthcoming), The Ilanot Review (forthcoming), ANMLY, Four Way Review, Heavy Feather Review, Asymptote, Amsterdam Review, Slice Magazine, Words without Borders, Europe Now Journal, Plume, Brooklyn Rail/InTranslation, SAND Journal, Tupelo Quarterly, Harvard Review.
Jord och Regn (Carolina Söderholm on Yvonne Larsson), Grönhem, 2024
Case Closed (Niclas Östlind on Thomas Wagstrom: Early Morning, Late on Earth), 2022
Me Kaksi (Marie Lundquist on Pentti Sammallahti), Atelier EXB, 2021